Failing from Anger to Sadness

If you followed “having my mad” advice, if nothing else you are tired, but you are probably sad. That’s ok, being sad is part of the formula. We need to look inside, outside and upside down to figure out how to move upward. 

When we are sad, we tend to look inward, at faults and negatives within ourselves. We have a biological setting in us that has a way of amplifing the negative. Celebrate that fact!!! It is what has kept us alive as a species for a long time. Remembering the negative events in great detail, helps us prevent future errors as individuals. Unfortunately, we don’t use this to our advantage as a species as often as we should.

It’s biological to encode negative information in great detail. When early humans remembered the exact color, location and type of berries that made them deathly ill, that information saved them from making the same mistake again. We have a highly sensitive brain for negative information to help us.

Unfortunately, in this day and age of constant negative media, we have become less sensitive because we are in overload all the time. To help with that issue, you need to remove yourself from the negative and your sad, by turning outward to positive sources of information.

The world has a large amount of positive information…..just turn off the news media. A beautiful world is out there, you just have to look outside yourself (turn off the negative voice in your head also). The phrase ” it’s amazing out there” is true. Weather and nature give us some of the most uplifting things to lift our sad. But there are many positive options, funny movies, gardening, religion to name a few that have some positive aspect for many people. You need to find one that works for you!!!

Don’t get stuck in your own head, it can be a very negative and lonely place to be. If you are not ready for other people (I understand that!!!!!) then use the world around you to find inspiration and positive images and events even if you have to work at it. It will lift the sad from your failure and re-energize you for the next steps. Like the rings from a stone thrown into a pond, you need to move outward.


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